
Journals are a link from the past to the present and even to the future. They can bring loved ones to mind as we read their stories and life's experiences and challenges from their journals they kept throughout their lives.

They can also calm a troubled heart as you write about what is challenging you and what you are facing.

There are so many types of journals to write in, from Gratitude Journals to Diaries, there is one for everyone.

I have written in journals since I was a teen and it is something I recommend to my clients for healing on many levels.

Journals don't have to be expensive books to work. Most of my journals are DIY decorated composition notebooks that I made. Having a homemade journal makes recording my life even more fun.

Journal Ideas:

Dump Journal - If you have trouble quieting your mind in order to relax and go to sleep, I have found that dumping the thoughts that are circling around in your brain will clear your mind enough to drift off to a peaceful and restful sleep.

Keep a notebook on your night stand and every night as you crawl into bed, pick up your Dump Journal and just write everything that you can think of... Your to do list, your worries, your concerns, your conflicts and offenses, your grocery list and even your fears, etc... This way, your sub-conscious mind will know that all those things will not be forgotten and you it can pick them all back up in the morning.

Gratitude Journal - Write in this one at night after writing in your dump journal, or I prefer to write in this on first thing in the morning to help me start my day out on a positive note. There are millions of things to be grateful for. The more you acknowledge the things that come to mind that you're grateful for, the more things will begin to come to mind to be grateful for. The sky is the limit!

Marriage Journal - I love this one because, since I have been keeping one, my marriage is even better! Here you can record your successes and your failures. You can record any impressions to better your marriage as well as any ideas and even glue in any articles you find on strengthening marriage/relationships.

There are even more ideas that I will add later. Whatever life brings, Journal it!

Happy Journaling!

Personal Life Coach

Hi! I'm Lisa, a certified Christian life coach who loves to help faith based individuals like you embrace and own their unique, divine purpose even if they've lived a life of constant self-doubt.

You’re in the right place if you want to:

  • Work with the personality God gave you instead of against it.
  • Stop negative thinking from ruling your life.
  • Ditch forever the emotional drain of self-doubt so you can better serve God.

It's time to make your God- given uniqueness your superpower!

Check out my website for info on how to get my free course, Your Tree of Life: A Yousers Manual.

website: lmnewmancoaching.com

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